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7 Essential selling tips for homeowners in Western Australia

Sep 12, 2024

Navigating the property market in Perth requires not just a good understanding of the market trends but also meticulous preparation of your property before listing it for sale.

As a homeowner in Perth looking to sell, equipping yourself with the right knowledge can significantly streamline the selling process and enhance the value of your offering.

Here are 7 insider tips that every seller should consider to smoothen their property journey.

#1 Secure your identification documents

Before you proceed with any sale, ensure you have all necessary identification documents readily available.

This is a fundamental step that simplifies the verification process for transactions and helps prevent any unnecessary delays. Having your documents in order is essential for a hassle-free sale.

#2 Apply for an ATO Clearance Certificate early

We always recommend being on the front foot with the ATO.

For properties expected to fetch over $750K, it is prudent to apply for an ATO Clearance Certificate well in advance. This certificate is imperative to prevent withholding tax complications at the time of sale, ensuring that financial matters are clearly sorted from the get-go.

#3 Communicate early with your bank or lender

When selling a property under a mortgage, it’s crucial to initiate discussions with your bank or lender early to arrange for the mortgage discharge. This proactive approach ensures all financial obligations are addressed well before the sale concludes, preventing any delays in the transaction.

Starting these conversations early helps clarify any fees or penalties associated with early mortgage termination and allows sufficient time for all required documentation to be gathered and processed. By effectively coordinating the discharge of your mortgage with the property sale, you smooth the pathway to a seamless transaction, ensuring all parties are informed and prepared for the closing dates.

This foresight not only streamlines the selling process but also provides peace of mind that financial details are fully resolved as you transfer ownership.

#4 Check RCD and smoke alarm compliance

Ensuring that your property meets the safety standards required for Residual Current Devices (RCDs) and smoke alarms is not just a legal requirement—it’s a significant selling point.

If you’re uncertain about the compliance status of these devices, have them professionally checked. This can prevent potential issues and increase your property’s appeal to safety-conscious buyers.

#5 Ensure EPA registrations are in order

If you are selling under an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), verify that the EPA is properly registered with Landgate and check for any restrictions. This is vital for legally handling transactions on behalf of someone else, ensuring all legalities are meticulously addressed.

#6 Verify swimming pool compliance

If your property features a swimming pool, verifying compliance with local safety regulations is essential before listing your home for sale. Ensuring your pool meets these standards not only enhances the attractiveness of your property but also significantly mitigates the risk of legal complications arising from non-compliance.

Regular inspections and maintenance are key to keeping your pool up to code and ready for potential buyers. This proactive approach demonstrates responsibility and care, qualities valued by buyers and can lead to a smoother, more confident transaction.

Documenting compliance can provide further reassurance to buyers, ultimately making your property more marketable and potentially increasing its overall value.

#7 Got travel plans? Be sure to notify your settlement agent in Perth

Informing your settlement agent about any planned travel during the settlement process is crucial for ensuring that all aspects of the sale are handled in your absence.

Early notification allows your agent to schedule important dates or arrange for necessary documents to be signed ahead of time, preventing any delays in the settlement.

This communication ensures that your agent can prepare alternative contact strategies and authority permissions, allowing them to act on your behalf if required. It also helps maintain momentum in the transaction, ensuring continuous progress toward completion.

By keeping your agent in the loop, you safeguard the process against unforeseen stalls and maintain control over the sale, even when you are away.

Get in touch with Megan from Essence Conveyancing today

Achieving a successful property sale in Perth demands attention to detail and proactive preparation. By implementing these tips, sellers can enhance their property’s marketability, comply with all necessary legal requirements, and navigate the selling process more effectively.

If you require personalised advice or need to discuss specific selling strategies tailored to your property, don’t hesitate to contact Essence Conveyancing. Megan is here to support your selling journey with expert advice and comprehensive services, ensuring you achieve the best possible outcome for your sale.


Disclaimer: Please note, the contents of this article do not constitute conveyancing advice, are not intended to be a substitute for conveyancing advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should seek conveyancing advice or other professional advice in relation to any particular matters you or your organisation may have. To find out more, please contact us.